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Corporate Travel Expert in Charlotte, North Carolina


Blend In With The Locals

One of the things I stress to anyone I talk to about travel – client, potential client, friend or family – is how important it is to blend in with the locals when you travel.

Travel should not be about standing out in a new city, town, state, country or continent. It should be about immersing yourself within that destination. Leaving behind any preconceived notions and prejudices and just being there with your whole heart and soul. Standing, walking, dancing, eating – all side by side with the people who call the destination you are in, home.

You may be thinking “I love this way of approaching travel Thia – but how does one blend in with the locals? What do you suggest?” Well, my friends – you’re in luck, as I have plenty of thoughts on how to do this. And you can check them all out below, where I have listed for you just a few of the many ways that blending in with the locals can be accomplished. Let’s take a look.


Learn The Language

Image by Oli Lynch from Pixabay

You’re going to a foreign country that you have never visited before. They do not speak English – or whatever your native tongue happens to be. If you want to blend in with the locals, you don’t have to do anything drastic like feign an accent – but you should take the time to learn their language. And no – I don’t mean a full on three- or four-week Rosetta Stone course. Just the basics will do. Hello. Good-bye. Please. Thank you. You’re welcome. Start with common pleasantries and manners. You will want to add more of course – based on what you are going to be doing while you are there. For instance – if you will be taking public transportation you may want to learn how to say different phrases than you would if you were renting a car and driving on your own the whole time. Or if you are planning on taking a class or learning a new skill while there, as opposed to just say – touring museums and monuments – there will be different words and questions you’ll want to familiarize yourself with. Do them that courtesy and they will be more likely to embrace you and receive you warmly.

Know The Customs and Etiquettes

Photo by Kamaji Ogino from Pexels

One thing you want to avoid at all costs while visiting a new destination is insulting the locals. And one sure fire way to do that is to disrespect their customs and / or rules of etiquette. Therefore – be sure and read up on such things prior to travel so that you have a good grasp of what goes and what are no-noes. For instance – in some cultures it may be disrespectful to tip – no matter how great the service is or how much you feel that it is not right to not leave a gratuity. This is something you are definitely going to want to know beforehand to avoid insulting your waiter, taxi driver, bellman, etc. Each foreign land we visit will undoubtedly have a set of written rules – regarding customs – and unwritten rules when it comes to etiquette. Take the time to learn what they are prior to traveling.

Follow Suit When It Comes To Clothing        

Photo by Ruben Hutabarat on Unsplash

Now don’t take that literally – I am not advising you to wear a suit – I am advising you to dress like the locals. Do the research. Check out the current styles. For instance – find out if most restaurants are laid back and casual dress is no problem or if you need to pack something more formal when dining out. Is it a country known for its modest approach to dress? If so – then tone down your wardrobe. One sure fire way to stick out like a sore thumb when you are in a foreign land is how you do – or don’t – dress. And if there is a customary piece of clothing that one or both genders wear that you do not have access to at home – take extra money and purchase it while there. Trust me – it could make a big difference in how you will be received.

Don’t Be The Tacky Tourist

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

We all know who I am talking about. They have a camera and a video recorder hanging around their neck, a backpack with maps sticking out of it and a book of foreign languages in hand. Yes – I said you need to learn the basics of the native tongue – but you don’t have to waive the book around while you are out in public as if to loudly proclaim “I didn’t do my homework.” And – electronics have come a long way – you can downsize to an all-in-one camera / video apparatus that is not the size of a professional photographers – i.e. – that’s more discreet. Or – just use your phone. Most of them these days have cameras and video recording features with high enough quality to capture your memories just fine. And yes – a backpack is a great place to stash the maps and the language guide – but they can be neatly stowed inside. No need to broadcast them.

Change Your Currency

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Again – you are in their country. Do not expect them to take your currency or worse don’t put up a fuss if they don’t. There’s a reason why there are currency exchange booths before you even leave the airport (although I don’t recommend doing it there – but that is another blog). And that brings up another point – carry cash. It doesn’t have to be huge amounts – take what you need for the day and leave the rest in the safe at the hotel. But don’t depend on your credit card – especially in more remote destinations. And for heaven’s sake – once again – do not act like it’s the end of the world if they don’t take credit cards.

Eat What They Eat

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

Skip the chains and head for the locally owned restaurants and diners. Better yet – check out the food truck scene if they have one because it’s hard to get any more authentic than food truck fare! And so you are not totally surprised when you look at your first menu – do some leg work and check out what the most popular dishes are. That way if you are presented with something you cannot fathom eating – instead of making gagging noises or otherwise voicing your disdain – and thus insulting your server and the locals dining around your – you can quietly opt out of ordering it.


You see my friends – it’s not hard to blend in with the locals. Perhaps you have already been taking a few – or all – of these simple steps to prepare for your journey into unknown territories. And remember, when you book with Thia I will make sure to assist you in finding out all you need to know prior to travel so that you can blend in with the locals beautifully and get the full cultural immersion you desire. Have a place in mind? Contact me today and let’s start curating an amazing adventure for you!

Yours in travel,



Travel The World While You Can

For those of us that live to travel, losing pretty much an entire year of being able to do so hit us hard. I think that even if you don’t have that intense passion for travel as I do – most of us enjoy getting away – at the very least once a year – for say, an annual summer vacation. And even that was taken away from a large percentage of us. What I discovered the past few months for not only myself but for the many of you that I have talked with as we start planning your return to travel is that the end result is that now that we realize how unexpectedly the freedom to travel can be stripped away from us – we vow never take it for granted again. And so, my friends – my message today is really quite simple – and based on the events of the past years upheaval in the travel industry. Travel the world while you can.


Time Is of The Essence

Photo by Larry Crayton on Unsplash

You know it. I know it. Life is short. One day you are awaiting the birth of your first child and the next you are sending your youngest off to college. With all that we have going on in our busy lives it seems that travel takes a back burner for many of us. We all have that list of cities, countries and even continents that are on our “list” of places we want to see. And along with that list we have excuses why we aren’t booking those trips. Things like – I’ll go when I’m more settled in my career or when I have extra money or when the kids are older or when I retire – this list could go on and on. And yes – there’s an extremely high likelihood that the destination you are dreaming of will still be there – but why wait? Why is it that so many of us deny ourselves the one thing we often need the most – a vacation, an adventure, a break from our routines? That answer is going to be different for each of you, but my feeling is that when you have within your soul a destination you feel you must see before you leave this earth, don’t put it off. Go. Enjoy. And then plan your next destination when you return. And the next one after that. There are so many amazing places to see across the globe – if you want to see the world – make it a priority – not an afterthought.

There Are No Age Requirements

Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

I started traveling at a young age, continued traveling as I grew up, through my young adult years right on up until this very moment. And I will continue traveling through middle age, as a senior citizen – right up until the day I leave this earth. My point? Travel the world no matter what age you are. You are never too young or too old to start exploring the world around you. And I think – actually I know – that at each stage in your life – travel will affect you differently. The experiences you have in a strange new land when you are a teenager – take on a different meaning when you are older and grayer. (Which when you think about it – pretty much goes for everything in life – not just travel.) From the people you meet, the cultures you are introduced to, the foods you sample, the activities you take part in – all will affect you in some form or another. They may change the way you have perceived other cultures history and traditions. They may give you an appreciation for a food you never thought you would try – let alone enjoy. They may open your eyes to a new way of doing things. They may – hopefully- release you of long held prejudices against those that are different from you. Let’s be honest – there are hundreds of different ways travel can positively change and shape you. But it will.  And you are never too young or too old to gain new perspectives and make affirmative and often life altering changes.

Be Intentional In Your Travel

Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay 

Are you in good health today? Have a steady income? Have vacation or personal time accrued? Then what are you waiting for? You already know things can change in the blink of an eye. If you are able to travel – do it now. Make it your intention to travel and then do it. And when you are traveling be intentional in that as well. How? Don’t be thinking about your job or the weather back home or whatever else is going on where you are not.  Clear your mind, open your eyes and ears and take in every single minute of every single day when you are visiting somewhere you have never been before. Trust me – worrying about things back home is not going to stop them from happening – plus 99% of the things we worry about never do happen. So just let it all go and immerse yourself in where you are, what you are learning, who you are meeting, what you are tasting – all of it – be intentional and the wonders of the experience as well as the memories you create – will stay with you a lifetime.


My friends there are so many reasons to travel the world while you can. No one knows what tomorrow is going to bring – the pandemic was a pretty rude awakening to that fact. You know that old saying “don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today?” It applies to travel too. Trust me – and then contact me to start planning your next adventure and travel the world while you can!

Yours in Travel,



Why To Travel The World Using A Travel Advisor

So, you want to see the world. More so now than ever I would venture to guess. You’re not alone. Pretty much every survey I have seen regarding the public and traveling again has the same result – they are over quarantine and ready to hit the road again – with safety measures in place of course. Many are waiting until they get vaccinated, and some are waiting until their children are eligible to get vaccinated – but the resounding chorus is let’s start planning!

Now – you can go book your vacations, getaways, adventures, journeys – or whatever you like to label your trips – on your own. We all know that there are endless online travel sites and resources available at your fingertips. But and this is a big but – we also know what happened just about a year ago when travel was brought to a screeching halt – without any regard for those who were in the middle of their trips. From this unprecedented series of events emerged two vastly different tales.

On one hand there were the unfortunate accounts of not being able to get back home in any kind of reasonable time frame or without many detours and stressors at each turn, of numerous phone calls with ridiculously long wait times, of waiting months for refunds for lost days or entire trips that had to be cancelled or not getting refunds at all – and so on. The majority of these were from travelers that booked the trip on their own without the assistance of a travel advisor.

On the other hand, there were the feel-good stories of getting home with little to no delays and making just one phone call to do so with virtually no wait time, not having to fight for refunds or getting cancel penalties waived, not having to wait on hold – and so on. Know who booked those traveler’s trips? Bingo! Travel advisors.

As a travel advisor for the past decade, I have always known my worth in the trip planning process. And thanks to some amazing reviews from my clients, I can confidently say the part I play is met with much gratitude. And my friends I cannot tell you how happy that makes me. If you know Thia, you know my passion for travel. Getting to share that with others makes my heart happy. That being said, if you haven’t used a travel advisor in the past – and you were lucky enough not to be in one of the unfortunate accounts above – you may still be thinking you will do simply fine on your own. And I am not saying that you won’t by any means. But I would love to take this time to tell you why I don’t think you should travel the world without one.


We Are A Wealth of Knowledge

Photo by Andrew Stutesman on Unsplash

As travel advisors we have all studied our craft in one form or another. Some went to college to become a part of the hospitality industry. Some may have learned about travel from years of, well, traveling. However we became experts in our field – the point here is – we did indeed become experts in our field. And as with most professionals, we love to share our knowledge. And that knowledge can take you to places you never dreamed of – literally. Personally, my expertise comes from a lifetime of travels that started when I was a child and had the fabulous opportunity to accompany my parents on business trips. So much of what I know, I experienced firsthand. The rest is thanks to an insatiable hunger to devour everything I can about destinations across the globe through continuous education and training, supplier and partner webinars and affiliations with well-known and respected travel industry leaders.

We Know People

Photo by Bernie Almanzar on Unsplash

Travel advisors have access to discounts, sales, upgrades, perks, private tours and experiences and a host of other things to save you money or add value to your trip without adding to the cost. How? A few reasons really. This one has a lot of different moving parts to it. For me there is my status with certain hotel brands that allows me to access all of the above. Then there are my trusted contacts in each destination that range from tour operators to transfer companies to restaurateurs. They are literally my eyes and ears on the ground that I trust to check things out that perhaps I have not seen in a while or have yet to see, along with passing on great insider secrets that I can then pass on to you.

We Are Your Person

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Another benefit to using a travel advisor is that you have one contact person for every aspect of your trip. Need to change your seats on one of your flights? Your travel advisor can get them changed. Need to request feather free pillows in your room? Your travel advisor can request that. Need to change your morning spa treatment to an afternoon one? Your travel advisor can switch it. Want to book an extra excursion? Your travel advisor can book it. Need to … ok I’m pretty certain you get the idea. Traveling with Thia means you pretty much only have to have one number in your favorites – mine. I am your middleman, your go between, your personal concierge. I wait on hold, so you don’t have to. I get things done for you to ensure that you have nothing less than a fabulous vacation.

We Are There From Start To Finish

Know another great reason to travel the world via a travel advisor? They travel with you – from afar of course. Now, I cannot speak for all travel advisors but when you book with Thia you get Thia from the very beginning planning stages right through the entire trip until you return home. When you are travelling you can contact me 24/7 should the need arise. And when you call me – you get the same agent every time – me! – as opposed to a random agent in a call center. So, no need to stress or worry about explaining anything to me regarding your itinerary. I created it. I know it. I know who to contact. I know how to answer it, fix it, cancel or confirm it. I am here to make sure things go smoothly and take care of any unforeseen circumstances. Basically, all you have to do is sit back and enjoy the ride! So to speak.


In the interest of time and space – and quite possibly attention spans – I am going to stop at these four reasons – which are pretty much the top four that encompass the main value behind using a travel advisor to travel the world. Although there are many, many more and I am sure my brothers and sisters in the industry can each come up with additional reasons simply based on personal experiences of how they have assisted their customers.

With that being said, whether you need more convincing or you’re ready to let me take the reins, contact me today and let’s get to planning, and thus resuming, your travels around this marvelous world of ours!

Yours in travel,



An Interview With Thia

Note: This week’s blog is written by Carole Peck as Carole Peck. I approached Thia with a blog topic idea where I would interview her so that she could introduce herself to new clients and get reacquainted with existing clients. The video that I wrote this from can do more justice to Thia’s passion, charm, soulfulness and warm, inviting personality than my words could ever hope to achieve – although I did my best to try to convey the beauty that is Thia in the blog entry below. Enjoy!


This week I had the absolute pleasure of sitting down with Cynthia “Thia” Brounno to discuss a variety of topics including her decision to enter the travel industry, her favorite type of trip to plan, why she should be your go-to travel advisor and much more. As she was speaking, I found myself mesmerized by not only her words – but her tone, her gestures and most importantly her passion. And yes – I do mean passion for travel of course – but also her passion for people in general – from those she plans the trips of a lifetime for to the those who reside in the destinations her clients visit. For Thia it’s obviously not just about providing her clients with an amazing vacation – which that she certainly does – it’s also about making sure they come away from that vacation with a new appreciation for the destination, its culture and most importantly, its people.

Whether you have used Thia to curate your travel experience in the past or you are discovering her for the first time – I guarantee you are going to so enjoy her! And you’re definitely going to want her to put your next adventure together. That being said – here is a synopsis of – as well as my take aways from – what was for me, a super fun and inspiring interview.

Question #1 – Let’s get right to it – how long have you been in travel and what led to your decision to take on the role of travel advisor?

Image by Pam Patterson from Pixabay 

Listening to Thia discuss how she got into travel leaves one with no doubt that it was a path she was meant to follow. One of the youngest of six – the second to the youngest to be exact – she got the opportunity to travel and see much of the world due to the line of work her parents were in. She explained that they pretty much divided up the trips so that everyone got the chance to go – so perhaps the three oldest would go on one, then the three youngest on the next one and so on. Although she did jokingly admit she got to go on a lot of them when maybe it wasn’t her turn, because being the second to the youngest baby in the family, all she had to do was cry. Which you know was probably a foreshadowing of what her future career path would take. The fact she always wanted to be included in those journeys speaks volumes. Her life from an early age was consumed by travel and for the past decade she has been installing her love for it in others. For Thia, travel is a lifestyle – not a career – and it has always been that way – long before Thia’s Travel Services opened its doors ten years ago.

Question #2 – What is the most important piece of information you need to get from your clients before you start researching their vacations?

Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay 

Thia’s answer to this was spot on and that answer was:  What is the reasoning for you going on this trip? Why are you travelling? The need for this knowledge prior to starting the actual planning process is due to the fact that people travel for so much more than just that yearly vacation to get away from the real world for some rest and relaxation. Although that is one of the reasons and a very popular, and dare I say, much needed one for most of us. But they also travel for a myriad of other reasons. Some travel for medical purposes. Some travel for business and then turn those trips into what is referred to as bleisure trips – mixing in some personal travel before, during or after the business part. Some travel for family reunions, destination weddings or vow renewal ceremonies. Yes, I could go on and on as the reasons one plans a trip are endless and individualized to each and every client that reaches out to her. For Thia – knowing the ultimate reason behind the journey for that person – or the end result they are hoping to get out of the journey – is the key to making it a success.

Question #3 – What is your favorite type of trip to plan?

Photo by Asad Photo Maldives from Pexels

So, confession time here. In the interview I actually misread my notes and asked her what her all-time favorite trip or itinerary was that she had put together for a client. However, my intention was to ask the subtitle of this section – what is your favorite type of trip to plan. But almost as if she were reading my mind, she redirected the question and asked if she could generalize that answer – which is what I was going for anyway. (Clearly, we make a great team.) Her response was that she loves, loves, loves planning family trips. And you know, the way that she explained how she goes about it is a great indication of the kind of deep, personal thought she is going to put into your trip. She explained first that she thinks about the children and what excited her at that age and what she wanted to do. She literally puts herself into the equation – drawing on how she learned to travel and how to appreciate people, land and culture. She also always requests to speak with the children one on one and loves taking that time to talk with them to see exactly what their interests are to help her plan an itinerary that is going to be as wonderful for them as it is for their parents and / or grandparents. With a thought process like that its no wonder that Thia has so many satisfied clients of all ages.

Question #4 – Where is one place that you think everyone should have the opportunity to visit at least once in their lifetime?

Photo by 2Photo Pots on Unsplash

Thia was quick to ask if she could have two answers for this particular question – which of course I agreed to. Her first choice was so passionately expressed that it gave me chills and cemented the fact that Africa should be on my bucket list. And not just one place in Africa – as she enthusiastically explained – the entire continent is phenomenal – north, east, south and west and everywhere in-between.  Her excitement about the culture and the warmth of the people came across oh so powerfully as she gushed that this is one continent that is not to be missed by anyone who has the opportunity to travel.

The second destination which definitely surprised me is the good old USA.  And she noted – which I totally and completely agree with – that we tend to take the United States for granted because we live here. To further her point, she went on to say that just because we live in the same country – what I see and experience here in the northeast from landscape to traditions to weather, for instance, is completely different from say someone who lives in California. Which are just two of 50 amazing and unique states at our disposal. Not to mention the different cities and towns in each. And Thia noted that one of the positives that came out of the pandemic was the fact that she was forced to stop traveling internationally and that gave her the chance to start exploring her own back yard – for which she is oh so grateful.

Question #5 – What do you want people to know about Thia? Why should people come to Thia to get their adventures curated.

Ok, full disclosure here.  How she started out answering this one floored me. I have been working with Thia for about four months now and had no idea, but this woman speaks eight different languages! Yup – eight – including English, of course, along with four Nigerian languages, German, French and she’s currently in the process of learning Spanish. So, as she ever so eloquently stated – “Thia understands you when no one else does.” I just love that!

Her second reason was a quite powerful and once again personal one. Thia explained that she understands the need to get away, to experience the world around us, to refresh and rejuvenate – even if you are working to make that happen on a limited budget. She has firsthand experience with budgeting getaways into your finances, as she has been a single mother for quite some time. And she is more than willing to help you work towards the perfect vacation with what you can afford. And you can tell she not only sincerely means that, but that she will do everything in her power to make it happen for you.

Her third point was that she does not just plan a vacation – she goes on vacation with you.

Meaning that she doesn’t just book your vacation and run so to speak. She charges a retainer – which most advisors do now – and may I say rightly so. Part of that fee is that she is with you before, during and after your trip. She will be accessible to you the entire time she is planning it, while you are there and when you are on your way back. When you call Thia’s Travel Services – the person who booked your flights, hotel, transfers, tours, etc. – that is the same person who is answering the phone. Which means she knows how to answer your questions or where to get the answers quickly if she doesn’t have them. Personalized service in this day and age is so incredibly important. And when you use a small, local business you get that personalized service. Just ask those who were traveling or about to travel when the lock down occurred last March. I guarantee you will get two completely different stories of how those trips ended up from those who booked on their own as opposed to those who used a travel advisor. Travel advisors like Thia are worth every penny. I promise.


While that concluded my questions – Thia took the opportunity to end our interview with one oh so touching and inspirational thought (or perhaps mantra is a better term) – “the journey itself is my home.”  She passionately implored that whenever you go on a trip to make that journey your home. In other words – don’t compare where you are from with where you are. Enjoy that journey – make it a place where you can embrace, appreciate and admire the people and the land for just what they are and in the simplest form. Oh, my heart.

See what I mean? What a joy it was to speak to this woman. If you haven’t watched the interview yet please do, as I know if you have not fallen in love with her from this overview, you will after seeing her speak so eloquently about travel and her passion for all it has to offer us. In her words – she is not just a travel expert – she is a travel enthusiast. Do yourself a favor and contact Thia when you are ready to book your next travel adventure. You won’t regret it.




How Travel Changes You

Travel is a very personal experience that affects each individual differently. And the type of travel, as well as the reason one travels, has a huge impact on that. Sometimes it excites or enlightens and sometimes it relaxes and cures us. It really all depends on the who, what, where and why of it. But one thing that I can say for certain – that for the majority of us who travel for the love of travel itself – is that it changes us. And those changes can be barely noticeable or completely life altering. I would also say – that for the most part – that change is positive. Which is why I am putting this down in print – to encourage those that travel religiously to keep doing so and to urge those who rarely see past their own city or even neighborhood – to incorporate travel into your life in any way you can.

So, what are some of the ways that you can expect to be changed by traveling? There are far too many to list here but I would love to touch on some of the most basic, yet important changes that I have experienced or that others have shared with me as changes that have occurred in their lives thanks to a particular trip. Read on to see three main reasons how travel changes you and feel free to add yours in the comments below.

It Breeds Self-Confidence

Photo by Mantas Hesthaven on Unsplash

Anytime you leave your comfort zone you are ultimately adding another layer of confidence to your persona. And traveling is almost always taking you out of that zone – because you are going to some place you have never been before – in other words – you are going into the unknown. The unknown can be scary in certain scenarios but in travel it is exhilarating. It is arriving in a city, town, country or continent where you may not know a soul. You may not even speak their language. But you go there anyway, and you show up with itinerary in hand and you see, smell, taste, hear and feel everything you came there to. And whether you are traveling solo or with a group – the experience is entirely of your doing. You chose the destination, you got on the plane, you left your little corner of the world and conquered a new corner. And whether or not you considered it as such before – it takes confidence to travel. And once you do – it will breed more confidence. Not only to journey to other new places – but in so many other aspects of your life as well. And who couldn’t use a little bit more self-confidence? A boost in self-esteem is a welcome change no matter who you are.

It Humbles and Inspires

Photo by Omotayo Tajudeen from Pexels

There are many destinations – some of the Caribbean islands that I have visited in particular come to mind – that surprise visitors upon arrival. And by that, I mean that you go there – prepared for the sprawling resort with the swim up bar, the oceanfront view, the fine dining and the white sand beach – yet at times the first thing you notice is not even close to what your final destination is going to look like. The ride from the airport to your accommodations often takes you through the reality, the real world, the everyday life of its inhabitants. In some cases, its no where near as pretty or perfect as that all-inclusive you are headed to. The poverty and lack of modern conveniences can be startling – but in so many of these places when you look closer you will see that the people there are smiling.  When you take the time to talk and interact with the locals – you will not hear complaining. You will hear tales of how they make it work. You will see pride in the job they do – whether it is creating handicrafts to sell to the tourists or serving you drinks by the pool. And how can that not humble and inspire you? When you have the means, the opportunity to travel to their homeland and stay in fabulous hotels – no matter how little you think you may have otherwise – you are there on vacation. This is their reality. And they are making the best of it and are probably enjoying life more than a lot of us who have so much more. It not only humbles me – but inspires me to do better – to be better. Instead of bartering I will pay extra for that trinket. Instead of complaining that I didn’t get enough hand towels I will leave a larger tip for housekeeping. And once I am home – I will continue to do better. And that is a change that everyone can be proud of.

It Makes You More Appreciative

Image by Avi Chomotovski from Pixabay 

Gratitude. Thankfulness. Appreciation. Three especially important attitudes in my life. And anything that causes a swing from not being grateful for – or even just taking for granted something that we should thank the universe for each and every day – is a change for the better. After all, “Gratitude turns what we have into enough. – Anonymous.” Once you start traveling the world – or even the country – and possibly even other parts of your state – you start to see that no matter how bad you may think you have it – someone always has it worse. And that does not have to be depressing. Because like I noted above – you will also find that most people who don’t have what you have – are still happy and enjoying life. And that is for the simple fact that they appreciate what they do have. When you are grateful, when you are appreciative, when you are truly thankful for what you have – life becomes a blessing. Because the more things you appreciate the more you find to appreciate and the happier and perhaps even more important – the more content you will become. And whether you realize it or not – being happy and content is pretty much what all of us aspire for everyday of our lives. Any goal we may have or the intentions we set – are always with the end result being that these goals or intentions will bring to us happiness and contentment. And that is a change for good.

My friends I want you to know that travel is a blessing in so many ways – for the changes discussed above and so very much more. I sincerely feel travel is that important and that change is good for the soul. And I want you to know that I am always here for you to help you decide where you would like to go to next to experience some of these and other changes that will truly enrich your life. Contact me today and let’s get started on creating the perfect vacation for you in 2021.

Yours in Travel,



We Spent 2020 at Home – Can We Spend 2021 Exploring the World?

So here we are – three weeks into 2021, eyes and ears wide open for any bit of news regarding the possibility of being able to travel this year after being grounded for almost all of 2020. And if we can travel, will options for destinations be limited? Will we truly be able to go back to the business of exploring the world or will we be confined to our own borders? What is travel going to look like? Will it just go back to the way it was pre-pandemic? Or look a little or even entirely different?

Yes – these are all valid questions that not only have I heard from my clients and potential clients, but my fellow travel advisors, our partners and even from my friends and relatives – oh and from myself. Like you, I have questions. But possibly unlike you – I know where to find the answers and aim to provide you with the most up-to-date reliable information that is out there at any given time. 

What Will Travel Look Like?

Photo by Marcelo Chagas from Pexels

Of course, no one knows for sure what lies ahead as far as travel this year, but it is already shaping up to be much more promising than the travel landscape of last year. Numerous international destinations reopened after being subjected to a global shut down in the better part of 2020 – with more opening their borders up as the weeks go by – our horizons are certainly broadening, even if the ways that we have to go about our journeys are quite different in look and feel. From hand sanitizer dispensers every few feet, to masks being required for entry to pretty much everywhere other people are, presenting negative COVID-19 tests, health screenings, mandatory quarantines and more – it sure looks a heck lot different than it did one short year ago.

Thanks to two approved vaccines with a third one looking hopeful – the demand for travel is on the rise, bucket lists are being pulled out, suitcases are getting dusted off and bookings are coming in. Yes – emphatically yes, we are going to be able to travel in 2021 and the majority of you whom I speak with are more than ready to travel – whether it be by just dipping your toes in or diving in headfirst.

That being said, we do need to be prepared for the ongoing changes and updates regarding CDC requirements until we beat this creature called coronavirus. Thankfully, all sectors of the industry have loosened their cancel and postponement penalties which is a huge win for the consumer. It boils down to yes – go ahead and book that vacation you didn’t get to take last year, and if necessary, you can reschedule it without the costs and hassles that used to come along with doing so. Be rest assured my friends I will be the one who will be verifying with each of my partners exactly what their process is so that you will be well informed before putting any money down.

Where Can I Travel To?

Photo by Thirdman from Pexels

As of this writing, traveling internationally is still tricky thanks to the recent CDC mandate that everyone arriving in the United States must present a negative COVID-19 test to enter or re-enter as that includes US Citizens. Many major hotels and resorts are working to make this as easy as possible for its US visitors by obtaining tests that will be available to their guests prior to their departure either for a nominal fee or some even complimentary. And although that may be just a handful right now – I am confident that it will become a more widespread practice as time goes on. Meaning that international travel is not out of the question by any means. It simply depends on your comfort level, where you want to visit and the availability and access to testing to ensure a smooth trip back home.

The other option is exploring our little corner of the world until we can once again come and go freely without the COVID-19 cloud hanging over our heads. With fifty states that offer pretty much any type of landscape, climate, activities, cuisine, wellness, culture and history that means your options are plentiful. And my friends, sometimes the treasures we find in our own backyards are the ones that we cherish the most.

Trust Your Travels to Thia!

As always, I am here for you – to guide you, to reassure you, to offer you options you may not have considered in the past – and most importantly to keep you informed. From start to finish you have my unwavering support and guidance no matter what your comfort level may look like right now. Whether it is heading to an open Caribbean Island for wellness and peace in the warmth of the sun or visiting a spa after a day of skiing at one of the amazing mountain resorts in the US – I am here to make sure you have the experience of a lifetime. Contact me today to get started on planning your next adventure!

Yours in travel,



Travel in 2021

Typically, when we are on the cusp of a new year, we take the time to reflect on the past year’s joys and sorrows, milestones and missteps, wins and losses. The start of a new year fills us with enthusiasm and a determination to make it the best year yet. We make resolutions, we set personal and professional goals, we welcome January 1st armed with our date planners ready to fill up those pages with what we love to do the most and well … we do it.  

Unfortunately, 2020 resulted in a lot of scribbled out plans in our date books thanks to the arrival of the pandemic. And right up there on top of the list of what had to be cancelled and / or postponed just so happens to be my love and my passion – travel.

As an inhabitant – and adventurer – on this marvelous planet first – and a proud member of the travel industry second – I – along with many of you – have faith that we have turned a corner heading into 2021. Thanks to the arrival of not one – but two – vaccines that have turned on that proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. And even if it’s just a flicker for now – it’s destined to glow brighter with each passing week. 

Now, neither I nor anyone else can 100% predict what it’s going to look like post-pandemic. But I have no doubt there are going to be positive changes – and a lot of them – overall in humanity itself – and in so many areas – including my beloved travel community.

So, as we enter 2021 with much hope in our hearts for the world – let’s start the discussion of what changes we can expect and just exactly where we want to go once we feel safe doing so again!

What’s Going to be Different?

Honesty – as I stated above – I feel that it’s going to be nothing but positives that come out of this ordeal as far as travel is concerned. We already know that airlines and hotels have taken their cleaning practices up a hundred plus notches – Amtrak too. And cruise ships are hard at work developing their new safety protocols for when they return to the oceans and rivers where they long to be again. The way I look at it is that it’s brought a new standard – a new level of cleanliness and safety – that was needed long before 2020 and that is now here to stay.  

I also believe that my brothers and sisters in our travel advisor family will be playing a huge part as not only your trip planner extraordinaire – but as your go to source for safety information on the transportation and accommodations you choose, for the protocols that have been put in place within the destinations you are traveling to, for the cancellation and / or postponement penalties for every aspect of your journey and so much more. And speaking of cancel penalties – we are already seeing much more lenient policies being rolled out by all sectors of travel – which is a huge plus for all of us!

The Bucket List

I believe that more and more people who have not made travel a priority in their life before the pandemic may be changing their minds about how important it is to see, feel and experience as much as possible in this great big world of ours while we are still here and able to do so.

But so many get overwhelmed when deciding where to go first. And that my dears is why I am here – to assist you in discovering where it is that your heart is leading you.  And one of the ways that I am helping many of you to do this is through a new community I have formed on Facebook called The Bucket List by Thia’s Travel Services. Here I am assembling a group of passionate travelers sharing our adventures and experiences and introducing each other to fabulous destinations with the goal to create a bucket list together – to expose each other to what’s out there waiting for you to discover it.

Staying Positive and Planning While We Wait

So, when it turned 2021 last night at the stroke of midnight everything did not miraculously return back to normal – or even to a “new, new normal” – as if someone had waved their magic wand. Yes, we have vaccines and yes – numbers are coming back down in some of the hardest hit places – but COVID-19 is still here, and we still have a way to go before the vaccine is distributed to enough people to start experiencing that all important “herd immunity.” 

Now I’m well aware that sometimes staying positive is easier said than done but I find one way to accomplish this is simply by looking at how far we’ve come.  Look at how we met 2020’s surrealness with a resolve to make it to 2021. As a society we’ve become more resourceful than ever, we’ve come together to help one another, we’ve applauded, praised and most importantly appreciated our essential workers and so, so much more.  My gosh that puts a smile on my heart just typing it! 

Baby steps. There are going to be down days along with up days but that’s normal whether it’s 2021 or 2011 or 2031. One thing we can be positive about is that travel will be back and better than ever. And I would be honored to help you start the planning process. Let’s get the discussion started – contact me and together we can give you something else to look forward to in this brand new year.

May you all be blessed with a year of health, happiness and travel.

Yours in travel,



Wellness Travel FAQs

Americans are stressed out. With everything happening in America in 2020 and in the rest of the world, it is no wonder that we’re all so stressed out! Combatting this stress can take many shapes and forms. As a travel lover and aspiring travel blogger, I find that the most therapeutic way to deal with this stress is by travelling. 

And in post-COVID19 2021, I bet you’re going to want to travel! The world of wellness travel is going to be increasingly appealing to travellers like you and me, as we seek out opportunities that give us a change of scenery along with relaxation. 

I often receive questions about wellness travel that I’d love to answer in this brief blog post!

What is wellness travel? 

I get asked this question a lot! Which is why I wrote an entire blog post on demystifying what exactly wellness travel means (both, to travellers, and to me personally). 

If you haven’t already had a look at that, here’s a quick explanation: Wellness Travel is travel that is intended to improve your physical and/or mental well-being. The idea is to go on a vacation that stimulates your mind in different ways, all of which are aimed at helping you become the healthiest version of yourself, physically and mentally. 

Is all travel wellness travel? 

Yes, and no. 

All travel can be wellness travel. However, it depends on your goal. For instance, some people love to indulge in wellness activities on a normal vacation; some people enjoy going off on wellness-specific vacations; and some like to change the way their original vacation was planned, just to incorporate more wellness options into it. 

Wellness travel is fun

Often, wellness travel is viewed as a type of travelling that promotes peace through yoga or meditation, without making room for fun activities. This is completely false! The best part about wellness travel is that you can decide the intensity and pace of your entire trip. And it can be really active and fun, too – whilst also promoting peace through yoga and meditation!

What can you do on a wellness vacation?

There are tons of ways in which you can experience wellness vacation. Here’s a blog I wrote that highlights three interesting ways in which you can experience wellness travel. Other ways in which you can enjoy a wellness vacation include: 

  • Meditation Retreats
  • Spa vacations
  • Vineyard tours
  • Cruises 
  • Walking tours
  • Healthy-eating vacations
  • Ecotourism
  • Volunteerism

There are so many things that might help you figure out what truly makes you happy and encourages you to feel the best you ever have!

What is the best wellness travel destination? 

You’d be surprised at the sheer volume of places that allow you to experience wellness in different forms. Some of the most popular ones in the world are: 

  • Indonesia
  • Costa Rica
  • Japan
  • Jamaica
  • The Dominican Republic
  • Germany
  • Greece

…and the list can go on and on! But what I absolutely love is that you don’t have to travel all the way to the other side of the world to indulge in a wellness vacation! The USA has some fantastic options within the country itself, such as in Florida. I will be pleased to help you figure out some information about some of my favourite destinations you can visit with me, at a special TTS price, too! 

How to plan a wellness trip? 

There are many ways in which you can plan a wellness trip. 

As a travel consultant who specializes in wellness travel, I would love to be of assistance. I can help you plan your trip from start to finish, by ensuring that you have the best packages available for your goals. 

If you would like to plan your wellness vacation yourself, you can also book a consultation with me just to figure out what you need to be looking out for, by contacting me here

Planning a wellness trip is not difficult, but it involves dedicating a lot of time in trying to understand how you need to go about it. 

I hope that this brief was a quick read for you to understand how wellness travel works and some of the finer details about it.

For further questions, you can schedule a call with me by filling this form, or DMing me on Instagram or Facebook. You may also email me here directly, with your questions. 

I look forward to hearing from you!

family staycations during covid-19, family staycation ideas this fall, fall staycation with the kids, thia's travel services advice, thia's travel services travel tips and tricks, guide to having a family staycation this fall during covid-19

Family Staycation Ideas During COVID-19

This time last year, nobody would ever have imagined we’d be stuck here in the midst of a pandemic, just watching the summer go by without a vacation. Although it has been difficult for all of us, it has arguably been way tougher for families quarantined together. 

There are so many nuances to that – we all need our space, we all have different approaches to things, we all want to go out and meet other people too, we’re all frustrated…and the list goes on. And if you’ve got young kids, it’s definitely a lot more confusing for them to figure out why you’re not taking them to Disneyland this year. 

Which is why I decided to help you a little and compile a collection of different sources on the internet, giving you some great ideas on how you can enjoy a family staycation during the pandemic! 

But first, what is a staycation? 

A staycation is a vacation with an interesting twist. It is a vacation that you or your family celebrates in your own home-town or within a day trip’s distance from your home. Staycations are immensely popular for a number of reasons, such as: 

  1. They are not very costly
  2. They help you relax and unwind in a familiar environment
  3. You don’t HAVE to take an off day from work 
  4. There isn’t any additional travel time or stress
  5. No jet lag
  6. They are easier to plan
  7. They help you learn more about where you live 

How to have a family staycation during the pandemic

Camping in your backyard

Selena Mills, in an August 2018 article in Today’s Parenting says you should try camping out in your own backyard!

My input is, setting up a tent in your backyard, along with a grill, marshmallows, sausages, potatoes (and any other yum, edible goodies you can get your hands on!) is a great way to enjoy a staycation. Of course, now that it’s fall, you might want to be careful of it getting too nippy. In case it does, though, you can just tuck in with your loved ones after an evening in the backyard! 

Have a family art session

Mills also says you can consider having an art session together. At Thia’s Travel Services, we love everything that screams, “Wellness!” and getting creative is a surefire way to boost your sense of wellbeing. You can paint, do origami, make crafts out of waste, decorate the house with lights – and so much more! This set of resources by Good To Great Parent gives you some lovely art ideas, especially if you have younger children:

Go Hiking

A couple of months back, I discussed going hiking to overcome COVID-19 blues. Taking off with the family and going hiking is a lovely way for you to stretch your limbs, find some peace amidst nature, socially distance, and regain a peaceful balance – all at once. Don’t forget to document your hike! Take loads of photos and maybe even encourage your family members to write a journal entry about it to help them express how they feel. 

Yoga at home

When you’re staycationing during the pandemic, an effective way for you to deeply relax is doing some yoga – alone or with your family. With a stunning number of online tutorials and classes, you can staycation your way to being a peaceful yogi in no time! Here’s an article I wrote last month, giving you some yoga tips. This time around, try it with your family members too!

Create a ‘destination’ in your own home

A great way to do away with travel blues is to build your own dream destination in your home! If you’re in the mood for the beach, turn on this video on the loudest device you have at home:, make some pina coladas (virgin pina coladas for the children, of course!), and grab your favourite snacks – anything goes, from chips to seafood! You can also watch BBC Earth episodes to go with your wanderlust. If it isn’t too cold, your family staycation can also feature swimwear for you and the rest of the family!

Go out and take a walk around your neighbourhood

Often, we lose sight of deeply interesting things even if we see them everyday – just because we’re so familiar with the place we live in. Taking a walk around your neighborhood and trying to spot unique things about it can help you experience your neighborhood like you’ve never done before! Your family staycation is a great way to show your children around the neighborhood and teach them about nature too.  

The bottom-line is…

We’re all in this together – especially you and your family. And the best way to get through this, is together. Until we can travel again, make sure you fully enjoy a family staycation so you don’t have to go without a vacation this year! 

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