Well folks. We made it. It’s officially #Summer2021! And even better – more and more destinations are opening up for us across the world which of course makes this gal’s heart smile – and I mean a really big ear to ear grin! Now – being so limited the past year – and last summer in particular – with where we could actually vacation, means that this year it may be a tad more difficult to actually settle on a destination. And that’s natural because with more options come more questions on where to go, what to do, accommodations to consider, how long should you go for, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
Now, since I am well aware that summer is traditionally the time you all pack the family up and head somewhere – I have decided to help you out by giving you a list of some of the best types of trips to take the entire family on. Not necessarily the destinations – we can conquer that another time. This is more of a – pick a theme and go with it type of list. But of course – you can mix and match. The choice is entirely up to you. The list is just my, shall we say, PSA to you parents who are scratching your heads saying – ok – now that it’s all opening up – where shall we take this brood of ours.
Read on and check out some of my suggestions below – then meet me at the end of the list and let’s chat!
The Great Outdoors

How about keeping last summer’s trend going strong with a visit to a national park? And no – you don’t have to go all wilderness and pitch a tent – or even rent an RV – although both are fun options for some family bonding. This year you’re going to find more hotels, lodges and resorts either open, or if they were open last year, now operating at almost full capacity. The goal here is to choose a property that is either within the park – when possible – or as close to the park entrance as you can get. This way you are still surrounded by the scenery that made that particular location a place suitable to be designated as a national park but with all the comforts of home – and some that you don’t even get at home. Think housekeeping, meals prepared for you, spa services – you get the idea. Also, this year you don’t have to stick to domestic national parks as you now have the option of visiting those in one of the many international destinations that have opened to US citizens – making the possibilities of exploring natural wonders as diverse as this planet itself.
Pros: Fresh air, exercise, national monuments, wildlife sightings, stunning landscapes, getting everyone to unplug and actually talk to one another.
Cons: Hmmm…the only one that I think would put a damper on this type of getaway would be rainy weather. But what are the chances it’s going to rain every day of your vacation? And even on rainy days there are things to do – especially if you go the route of a resort – but even in a tent or RV – provided you remembered to pack the board games!
Keep Them Amused Or Wet Or Both

Amusement parks, theme parks, water parks – they have all been around forever and while there are some that are more popular – and thus pricier than others – there are still plenty out there that you can plan your vacation around and not break the bank. Doing the theme park circuit is a great domestic trip as you’d be hard pressed to find a state that doesn’t have at least one, if not two or more, usually within driving distance. And it’s a great way to get say three or four small trips in throughout the summer as opposed to one longer one. Or you can choose a theme park in a destination where there are other tourist attractions that you would like the family to frequent and make it a weeklong getaway. However you decide to do it, as long as no one in the family is prone to motion sickness and aren’t afraid of getting wet – theme parks and aqua parks are always a guaranteed fun way to spend a few days – or longer – with the family.
Pros: Fresh air, exercise, chills and thrills, a great way to cool down on hot summer days.
Cons: That pesky rain again. And too much cotton candy, candy apples, turkey legs and other amusement park fare. But really – is that a con? 😉
Play Ball

Here is another one – also the domestic route – that a friend of a friend did with their family one summer. And it’s another one that you can break up so you get a few small getaways throughout the season, or you can opt to do it all in one shot. The first caveat however is that you should be a baseball fan. Oh, and your family should all be baseball fans too. The idea is to visit as many different major league baseball stadiums as you can – catching a game at each one of course – checking them off as you go along. The ultimate goal would be to see them all which of course would probably take years, but we know this isn’t limited to summer as there’s baseball in spring and fall too! Or you could modify this idea and simply visit the parks of every family member’s favorite team. And of course – while you are there you get to experience the city you’re in as well – including its gastronomy, historical sites – you name it. PS – This is also great to do with football and soccer stadiums, hockey arenas, NASCAR tracks, basketball venues – pretty much any sport that the whole family is into.
Pros: A great excuse to see cities across the USA that you may not have visited otherwise, ballpark hotdogs!!
Cons: Depending on the level of competitiveness within your family it could make for some rough nights at the ballpark!
Life’s A Beach

A summer vacation to the beach is as American as baseball. And apple pie. But let’s consider taking the family to a different kind of beach. Perhaps a unique black sand beach? Or maybe a pretty pink sand beach? One where the water is so clear you can see to the bottom? Or one where the sand is so soft and white it’s like walking on powder? Chances are you and your family have seen the Atlantic Ocean and / or the Pacific Ocean. This summer why not head to a body of water that is new to all of you – and while you are there explore the culture of the island, country, peninsula – or whatever form of land you find yourself on. There are some pretty amazing seas and oceans and even lakes out in this great big world that are begging to be walked on by new feet and seen by new eyes so don’t limit your beach vacation to just the US shores.
Pros: Sunshine, relaxation, sunrise and or sunsets over the sparkling waters, fresh ocean air.
Cons: Not everyone is beach bum material – and that’s not a bad thing – but make sure it’s not someone in your family or they won’t get as much out of it as the rest of you that think basking in the sun is heaven on earth.
And that my friends are just a handful of ideas on how to spend your family vacation this summer. There are plenty more ideas where those came from, as well as suggestions on the destinations to head for each – so give me a call and let’s chat about what type of adventure is best suited for your gang and get it booked before those lazy, hazy days of the summer of 2021 are gone!
Yours in travel,