So, you want to travel but you don’t have a travel companion. Or – you have plenty of travel companions but feel the need to go it alone this time. Whatever the case may be – solo travel is a pretty amazing experience – as long as you can get past the fact that you are going it alone.
It’s true that perhaps as a society in the past we were conditioned that we don’t venture to new places alone. Or in that case to the movies, out to dinner or drinks or a myriad of other activities that for some reason people shy away from doing solo. But this is 2021 people and that’s just not the case anymore.
As with dinner, drinks, movies, etc…traveling solo can be oh so liberating and one – if not the – most amazing experiences you will ever have. And to prove it to you I am writing this blog to fill you in on why not only myself – but the millions of other solo travelers agree. So, grab a seat – preferably alone in a café – and listen up because I can pretty much guarantee that by the time you finish reading this, you’ll be calling me saying “Thia – I want to go somewhere, and I want to go it alone this time!”
S Is For Surprise

S is for surprise – as in I honestly think you are going to be pleasantly surprised at how liberating it is to travel solo. So surprised that your first go-it-alone vacation is probably not going to be your last. There is something to be said about visiting a new place and creating an agenda that is everything that you want to do. Now, I know that sounds selfish – but so what! Sometimes being selfish is just what is needed every once in a while, to maintain that caring, giving person you are the other 99% of the time. Think about it. You get to decide where to stay – hotel or bed and breakfast or Airbnb, ocean front or pool view, in the hustle and bustle of the city or on the outskirts – etcetera. You get to decide where to eat – you check out the menu and within seconds know if this is for you or not – without having to take into account your traveling companions distain for Italian fare or their shellfish allergies or their inability to find just one thing they are hungry for on said menu. You get to decide which {FILL IN THE BLANK} you want to visit – i.e. – museum, landmark, park, beach, show – whatever there is see in that particular part of the world. I’m sure you get the idea by now. Traveling solo means you have a completely open slate or blank page just waiting to be filled in with all that is important to YOU and that my friends is oh so freeing.
O Is For Opportunities

O is for opportunities – as in when you choose to go it solo, it more often than not leads to opportunities you may not have had if you were traveling with others. Only one ticket left for that Broadway show you want to catch on your last night? You got it! Last seat on the trolley tour that not only gives you a great overview of your destination but allows you to get off your feet for a bit? It’s all yours. Hotel only has one king bed available? You’ll take it! Then there is the whole planning process. And the waiting for others to commit. And the back and forth about dates. And the budget constraints or non-constraints that vary from person to person. And by the time everyone agrees on the place and date – that amazing airfare or train fare or resort deal is long gone and now you are paying more for the place you knew you wanted to go from the very start – or worse – a place you really don’t want to go to but everyone else does and you got overruled. When it’s just you, yourself and, well, you – the opportunity to grab that fare that’s on sale or the discounted room rate for early bookings won’t be a missed one.
L Is For Life-Changing

L if for life-changing – as in when talking with those who have gone out to see the world on their own – whether it be domestic travel or international – the common sentiment is that the first time they took that leap – it was life-changing. And any trip that you can say was life-changing – as long as it was in a good way mind you – is a trip well-taken. So, life-changing, how you may be wondering. Well, it’s certainly empowering. It gives you a sense of hey – if I can go halfway around the world or to this big city or on a huge cruise ship or on an RV excursion by myself and figure out all the logistics of not only putting the trip together but navigating my way around while there – then heck – there’s not much I can’t do if I put my mind to it! Think of what a self-confidence builder it is to know that if it came down to it and you had only yourself to rely on – no matter in what situation you may find yourself – that you could handle it. It can also teach you things about yourself that you didn’t know. Going it solo means, you are going to be in your own company for a good part of the journey, so you better get comfortable with who you are as not only a traveler but as a person. It’s a fabulous opportunity to go within, to do some soul searching, to figure out things that so very often get lost in the noise when you are in the company of friends and family. In other words – it can help you evolve as a person.
O Is Also For Outgoing

O is for outgoing – as in another plus side to solo travel is that it often pushes us to step out of our comfort zones and take on a little bit more of an outgoing personality. And this is true whether you are an introvert by nature or are typically the bell of the ball. No matter how confident we are you gotta admit that being in a place where you don’t know a soul can be a tad bit intimidating. But if you want to get the most out of your adventure this is no time to be shy. Traveling alone pretty much forces you to talk to strangers – in a good way of course. You will get to know the locals and getting to know the locals means you’re also going to get a lot of inside information on the destination that you wouldn’t get from a book or website. You’ll find out where the locals eat, where the off the beaten path adventures lie and so much more. In other words – you’ll have a truly authentic trip filled with cultural immersion. And let’s face it – when we travel that’s really what it’s all about. Seeing how other people live – broadening our horizons and our minds. Finding common ground with cultures that were once a mystery to us. Realizing that we are all human beings trying to make our way in the world. That we are all created equal and that when you get right down to it, have more in common than you could ever imagine.
Traveling solo isn’t for everyone – even if I think everyone should try it at least once. Sure, it can get lonely – but you can also feel lonely surrounded by a group of travel companions if you aren’t on the same page. It may get frustrating because you do have to depend entirely pretty much on yourself and have no one to blame if you have a bad dining experience, get lost, aren’t happy with your hotel and on and on. And some may argue it can be dangerous – but I feel that if you travel smart – i.e. – don’t put yourself in positions where you will be vulnerable and take all the safety precautions that you would in your own country or even city – than that should not be a deterrent. Not to mention the fact that safety precautions should always be taken whether you are traveling solo – or with others – to a destination you have never been before – which is a whole other blog topic for another day.
So, what do you say? You up for it? Tell you what – you give Thia a call and let’s have that solo travel adventure conversation today!
Yours in travel,