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Guidelines for Hiking in 2020: USA

When you think of travelling, you probably think of hopping onto a flight and taking off to different countries! A dream that many of us harbour, international travel is unfortunately impossible as of July 2020. 

But who says you can’t travel anyway? In this blog post of mine, I spoke about how you can travel without really travelling. And now, I have better news for you!

You can still go hiking in and around where you live!

In the USA, a number of guidelines by the CDC and several states, show that you can go hiking safely and responsibly. 

In this article, I’ve explored the guidelines that many sources are providing to us for safe hiking possibilities. 

Tips for safe hiking

Here’s a bunch of tips that I got – all summed up in a pretty picture for you to save and keep in mind! 🙂 

If you want to read about each of these guidelines in detail, I’ve linked to all the sources at the end!

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Happy hiking!

If you need help planning a hiking trip, get in touch here!


Note: Thia’s Travel Services is not a medical expert and claims no liability. Thia’s Travel Services is only relaying information from verified third-parties.

1 Comment
  • 720p
    9:26 PM, 9 February 2021

    Wonderful post! We will be linking to this great post on our site. Keep up the great writing. Nelle Donovan Mady

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